Leadership is not restricted to fancy titles or a specific persona, or even just one skill. I’m learning that it’s actually more like a behaviour, that I can practice everyday, even in the most mundane situations.
It was the first time I had ever been in Con Hall. All of the seats were packed, and the sound of chatter echoed throughout the massive Victorian building. The girl I was talking to was a fourth year Drama…
Hi there!
This is my good friend Conor. We met at Trinity College Orientation Week 2014 and have been buddies since. Among other things, Conor and I share a passion for physical activity and education, and we share teaching responsibilities for a Bootcamp class at UofT.
My buddy Conor is one of the most intelligent and honest people I know, and he is always able to provide the best advice!
This week I sat down with Conor to discuss the four pillars of the HealthyU mandate (MoveU, SafeU, HappyU and FuelU). I am always eager to hear Conor’s perspective on important issues, because his life experiences include being a full-time student, a fitness instructor, and Military Maritime Surface Officer with the Royal Canadian Navy.
Mostly, I was interested to know how Conor applies some of the techniques and teachings he has received from the military in his life as a student. I learned a bunch of new military jargon; concepts that have considerable applicability to student life too. Here I’ve pieced together our conversation: