It’s 2014. Second semester has already started and I’m still trying to settle in. Along with my two full-year courses, I’ve got three new half-year courses, so my schedule has completely changed. And speaking of change, my schedule isn’t the…
A Walk In The Parkette
Moving from a smaller city to a bigger one, I’ve expected many changes in my new environment: more people, more city events, more culture, etc. However, what took me by surprise about living in the big city of Toronto is…
The Jolly Season of Midterms
Oh midterm season, that dreadful time of year when everyone hides in their rooms or at the library, with their heads buried in their textbooks, forgetting that they ever had a social life. As a second-year student, I know the…
Practice, or Homework, Makes Perfect
I’ll admit it. Sometimes I can be a keener. This is odd because as a self-proclaimed and-still-struggling-procrastinator-who-has-had-an-unfortunate-history-of-not-being-able-to-keep-up-with-anything-type-of-person (long label, I know), it’s quite contradictory to claim that I’m also the total opposite. But, hear me out. Whenever I sign up…
What do hatha, yin, and ashtanga have in common? Yoga!!!
Readers, do you know the difference between ashtanga yoga, hatha yoga, yin yoga, and Pilates? Neither did I. Or I should say, neither do I. But I’m learning. Following my commitment to get fitter and healthier, I’ve registered for the…