Budgeting and Finances are things that I rarely thought about in high school. I was one of those kids who had an allowance all the way up to sophomore year and didn't think too much about saving the money I had.…
Saving money for the holidays
It is officially December- which means it will very soon be the holidays, and that it’s time for our wallets to become weighted with the joy of our loved ones. Living on a student budget is not easy, particularly if…
Money on my Mind
When you’re in university, you’re out thousands of dollars from the first day so it’s almost as if every little expense you make during your time here is basically putting you further in the red. This post is not meant to scare you; it’s just meant to bring to your attention a very important part of school life that students can often overlook.
Money What…? On Not Being Scared of that Paper Stuff
So I’ve always been rather dismal with money. Truth. Oh, I’ve tried. I’ve accounted for my spending over periods of one or two months, only to conveniently misplace the journal or notebook I was using to track everything in the…