I know I hide it well with my inappropriate sense of humour and infinite smile. But let’s be real, I've never been a “mentally stable” person; my heart palpitations are too strong and my thoughts tend to be too dark.…
Let’s make something amazing! #joyatuoft
So, last Monday at around 10 a.m. after a very late night and a very early morning, my restless pursuit of coffee through the Bahen Centre was met with this: YES. It was like MY DREAMS HAD COME TRUE: my very own…
A Cup of Summation with a Dash of Fortuity
Welp, my last exam is in… 44 minutes. Not looking forward to it. For various, emotional and psychological reasons, I have not been myself this semester. Keyword: Apathy. Subtext: Delusions of grandeur. Playing the DVD backwards: Unadulterated sadness. But one…
So You Want To Feel Really Really Good?
Well, join the club! I'm not talking about the self-indulgent kind of "feeling good", none of the Godiva Chocoiste Dark Chocolate with Raspberry melt-in-your-mouth ecstasy, or the sleeping for 12 hours straight and waking up dazed kind of contentment. I'm…