My mom was nagging at me. My dad was vacuuming out the air of my storage bag that holds my winter coats. My brother was trying to zip my overpacked luggage. As I stood there in my room, I came…
If there's one thing I've learned over the years from singing at open mics is that I ABSOLUTELY dread performing in front of a crowd. I feel like I'm having a seizure throughout the whole performance, I know that because…
Sweaty palms. Shaking hands. S-s-stuttering voice. Look up and speak. But nothing comes out of my mouth. That is my worst fear when it comes to class presentations. I dreaddd public speaking. Seriously. I dread it and have spent the…
I’ve realized I’ve done you all a great disservice by not expanding the perspective from which I write. I’ve recently come to appreciate just how easy it may be for me to engage in physical activity on campus compared to some of my peers. So this year, I vow to do my best to step out of my shoes and into some of yours.
To start, I asked what prevents students from participating. With help from my peers and the people of Reddit, I’ve become aware of a few big hurdles…
Nobody likes to be the new kid. Being new at the gym can be incredibly unnerving. I can totally understand that. Gym culture these days is hard to avoid and it seems to be growing increasingly garish.
The community can be a little intense sometimes. Source:
I’m terrified of roller coasters. Anyone who knows this about me have all given me the exact same (unsolicited) advice: “Once you ride a coaster for the first time, you’ll wonder what you were so afraid of in the first…