The more time I spend searching for interesting clubs and events at UofT, specifically through the Multi-Faith Centre, the more unique opportunities I find to learn new information and ways of thinking from other people. The Spirituality Café was an…
Overcoming Cynicism
I’ve noticed a cynicism among people, and it’s usually coupled with an ironic humour that’s often funny and relatable when you’re constantly stressed and sleep-deprived (like most students are). However, I’ve been asking myself more recently if we sometimes go…
A Tour of Faith (and a Lesson in Compassion)
I've always thought that the Multi-Faith Centre has been one of the divisions on campus that has created some of the most interesting programming. A lot of the groups and events that they host deal with issues of intersectionality in…
An Atheist Love Letter to the Multi-Faith Centre
Sometimes, when the lull of a conversation seems to set in, I like to ask tricky questions: "Is God dead?" is one of my favourites. Part of this is me being sneaky and believing that the only way to break…
With Every End Comes a New Beginning
So another semester has come and gone. Since this is going to be my last post of 2008 for UpbeaT, before I say anything else, I'd just like to take a moment and thank all you faithful readers out there…