*Credits to that one random poster at UTSC for the title. I wish I were that creative with my puns. If the title wasn’t a dead giveaway, this week I had my first yoga class at Hart House and it…
Finding A Little Balance
If you could only tell one story about yourself, what would you tell? Is your story long, or short? Deep, or lighthearted? How would you break the ice? I’d start with an introduction: My name is Zach and I’m in…
On Majors, Subject POSts and Change
This was the first year I actually had priority enrolment and got into almost all my courses because: *drumroll* I got into my subject POSt! I’m going into third year so maybe I’m a bit late, but picking majors and…
#Foodie – The Off-Campus Food Scene
To be completely honest, I don’t even know what the exact definition of a foodie is, although you’ll often find me claiming to be one. Urban dictionary had way too many varying explanations, so that didn’t help much either. I…
My School-Year Resolutions
Back in January, in the midst of all the New Year's hype, I made the same general resolutions I always do: Eat healthier. Exercise more. Try harder at school. I’m not ashamed to say that I usually break them within…
Navigating the Maze of Extracurriculars
I spent much of my first year in a daze of lectures, coffee and homework, so I wasn’t as involved as I would have liked. But eventually, I was able to participate in some clubs and now I’m even a…
An Ode to the Work-Study Program
As the summer unwinds, we get closer and closer to that time of year! No, I'm not talking about course selection, or frosh week or even Ribfest (although I should be, I mean have you tried those ribs?!). As the…
A U of T Student’s Recipe for Success
I’d like to consider myself a borderline foodie, and as a result, I refuse to let the quality of my meals slip just because of a few trivial things like ‘exams’ or ‘homework.’ I have a few go-to methods and…
My Toronto Staycation!
I really wanted to go on vacation this year. Like really, really wanted to go. Earlier this year I had my sights set on trying delicacies in Europe, touring ancient architecture in India, or having a breathtaking stay in Nepal. But, alas,…
From last September until now, I’ve made progress. I acknowledged my penchant for lying around, and I made solid goals to get myself moving. I also reached these goals and am currently in the process of reaching others. I completed…