One of my favourite things about a new semester is being able to plan out my assignments and get ready for the term. Not sure if others can relate, but I love scheduling out my entire semester and getting a…
Learning to Relax
Happy New Year! As much as I love the winter holidays and all the joy and relaxation that comes with it, I (and most likely you) have to snap back to reality. Usually, after a nice break it takes a…
Reflections On My First Half of Fourth Year
This week, I start my last term of undergrad! It’s so crazy to think about how far I’ve come and how fast the years have gone. This week, I wanted to reflect on how my first term of fourth year…
Tips and resources for international students for Winter 2021
In what feels like a lifetime ago, I was at the Toronto airport in June departing the city for an indefinite time. It’s now been multiple holidays and birthdays since and I do hope that it is getting better day…
Completing My Virtual Exchange Term
Now that I’ve completed my exams at the University of Western Australia (UWA) and received back my results, I have officially completed my virtual exchange term! It seems that just yesterday I started my term so I really can’t believe…
My Experience Writing an Undergraduate Thesis
This year, I’ve been working on a really exciting project… my undergraduate thesis! It's my fourth year of university, and I decided to write an undergraduate thesis in Political Science under the supervision of a professor. This week, I wanted…
Take a Breather: Coping Strategies During Exam Season!
Happy December everyone! It seems almost as if in a blink of our eye, we’ve rushed by the autumn blur of golden-brown leaves, straight into welcoming the pristine, white snow. With the quick change in seasons, we also are slowly…
Inspiration and How It Can Help Motivate You
It’s that point in the semester when life gets pushed to the side and it’s all about crunching in as much studying as possible. For me, this usually leads to feeling unmotivated (and miserable!) until exam season is over. One…
Taking Exams at the University of Western Australia
I have recently completed my final exams at the University of Western Australia (UWA) and I wanted to share my experience in writing my virtual exchange exams! In preparing for my exams, I made very detailed notes of the exam…
All About Mindset: How Productivity Decreases Productivity
How funny – one moment you’re going to bed at dawn after a night of idly browsing the internet then in another you discover you have a term test, two papers, and the rest of exams following shortly. This has…