I’ve noticed that most (i.e. all) of my posts have been humour-centric, and that’s perfectly fine because that’s who I am! This week, though, I want to talk about a topic that affects a lot of students – including myself.…
A History Student’s Guide to UTSG Campus
The other day I was thinking about the summer before my first year and how excited I was to start at U of T; at this point 2 years ago, (2 weeks into my summer vacation) I already had a detailed…
Choosing Your Courses for the First Time!
It was only a year ago that I was an incoming freshmen, so when I say I “remember feeling anxious and nervous about choosing my courses” I actually mean it. It was literally only twelve months ago. I remember the…
Exploring U of T
The other week I went into the Bahen building properly for the first time for my summer school exam and I realized that not only was it really nice in there, but that there were actually a lot of buildings…
Library Lovin’
Last week I had my very first (and maybe last?) summer school exam and I found myself once again spending a lot of time in the library. I've never been one for studying much in Robarts (although the 12th floor views…
Campus Getaways
I would pretty confidently call myself a city person. Ever since deciding to come to the University of Toronto I’ve wholeheartedly embraced city living and I cannot see myself living outside of a city anytime in my immediate future. That…
Journey to the Rare Books Library
Last week I finally did something that I've been meaning to do for the last 2.5 years, I went to Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library and was amazed at how awesome it was. Since first year I've been telling myself…
Whoops, I Did It Again
I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my first year at university. I’ve walked into the wrong lecture hall, walked into the wrong exam room, almost forgot to go to an exam all together. This one however, might take the…
Trying new things (for my brain)
Have you ever flipped through the course calendar excitedly, wishing you somehow could take dozens more courses (somehow without increasing your work or debt load)? It can’t just be me! As someone who switched around her program a fair number…
Reviving wonder at Science Rendezvous
Sometimes in the midst of memorizing biological pathways and solving quantum mechanics problems it can be easy to forget just how fun and awe-inspiring science is. Many of us studying science in university were drawn to it by admiration for…