Since starting at the University of Toronto, I have already changed my major twice. Currently, I am studying biochemistry, physiology and psychology. Describing my majors to the new people I meet is always a tongue-twister and results in the question…
The 5 Best and Not So Best Moments in my First Year :P
Perhaps it's not the best time to reflect on things other than my courses' syllabus in the middle of March aka "Make or Break your GPA" month, March starts with an "M" for a reason people, probably not that reason,…
Honouring Our Students Pow Wow: A Recap
Growing up as a child, I was not connected much to my Indigenous heritage as my family lived in the USA, aka the melting pot, and were removed from my father’s side of the family (who are all from Six…
Learning about Assistive Technology
For this week's blog, I thought I'd write about assistive technology. I've heard about it throughout my time in university, but I never took the time to learn what it is, exactly, and what its functions are. I've spent a…
An Artsy Reading Week: My experience as an ARW Project Leader
My high school teacher once told me that you don't become a grade 12er until you've finished grade 12. I thought this was very enlightening at the time, and I still think it rings true to every role I've had…
When in Greece…
This reading week I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Athens, Greece through the Faculty of Arts and Science's International Course Module program in conjunction with the Human Biology Department’s Global Health research course. As a Global Health student,…
Talking to Professionals Workshop
Last week I attended a 2-hour long workshop at the Koffler Student Services Centre about networking. I arrived a little earlier to scope out the room and see if the environment I was signing myself up for was able to…
Over-planning Kills the Magic
I’m sure many of us have spent time swiping through travel blogs, national geographic magazines and even the catalogs of mountain warehouse for hiking and backpacking equipment. Certainly, backpacking has had its Hollywood glamour through many films including Daniel Radcliffe’s…
Studying Abroad This Summer?
As the semester’s end is quickly approaching and the fresh breath of spring is in the air, this last week’s warm weather has me thinking about summer. A few months ago, I applied for the QES Scholarship which has placements…
Productivity Tips
Welcome back from a (hopefully) restful and productive reading week. Whether you travelled somewhere on vacation, stayed in your bed watching Netflix or, like the amazing student you are, hit the books and the library every day to catch up…