Missed our Facebook Live with Clubs & Leadership Development (CLD)? Watch the replay here! 🤩 Afshana, Alyssa and Ryan from CLD answer the top questions new students have about joining and starting a club at U of T. Related links:*Types…
ASKme Anything Booths are Back!
Hey, U of T! ASKme ANYTHING Booths are BACK 🤩 Look for the ASKme Anything pop-up booths around campus Monday–Friday, August 19–September 9 and the weekend of August 24 and 25. For more info, visit https://uoft.me/askme
NOW OPEN: Apply now for U of T Fall/Winter Work Study
📣 Work study postings are now open, and here are 9 things you need to know! To learn more about the University of Toronto Work Study program, please visit https://uoft.me/ws-program. Don't miss this exciting opportunity!
Incoming U of T Students Weekly Checklist (Aug. 19-23)
Hey, incoming U of T students! 📣 Here's Jess with your weekly checklist for August 19–23 to help you set yourself up for success before arriving to campus in September 📝 ✅ For more info on the Summer Prep Calendar…
Incoming International Students: Look out for the U of T Airport Welcome Booth!
If you're flying into Pearson Airport and have questions about your first few days in Toronto, look out for our U of T welcome booth, starting next Monday. 📅 Monday, August 19 - Wednesday, Sept. 4, 8am-10pm📍 International Arrival Hall…
Orientation FAQs
Missed our FB Live with Orientation, Transition & Engagement? Watch the replay here! Trent, the OTE Lead Coordinator, answers the top questions new students have about Orientation at U of T. Related Links:*Information on College System: https://uoft.me/8ce*University of Toronto Students'…
Our Favourite Undergrad Courses at U of T
I asked some of the Life at U of T Digital Storytellers to share their favourite courses so far in their undergraduate programs at U of T. Here's what they had to say: Sammi:My favourite course so far has been…
Incoming U of T Students Weekly Checklist (Aug. 12-16)
Hey, incoming U of T students! 📣 Here's Jess with your weekly checklist for August 12-16 to help you set yourself up for success before arriving to campus in September 📝 ✅For more info on the Summer Prep Calendar and…
Incoming U of T Students Weekly Checklist (Aug. 6-9)
Hey, incoming U of T students! 📣 Here's Jess with your weekly checklist for August 6-9 to help you prep for September 📝 1. Activate your UTORid by August 9 for a chance to win a gift card! https://tcard.utoronto.ca2. Moving…
Black Student Engagement
Missed our FB Live with Mentorship & Peer Programs (MPP)? Watch the replay here! Modele, the Black Student Engagement Coordinator, answers the top questions new students have about Black Student Engagement at U of T. Related Links:*Contact Modele: mod.kuforijiutoronto.ca*Black Hub:…