My high school teacher once told me that you don't become a grade 12er until you've finished grade 12. I thought this was very enlightening at the time, and I still think it rings true to every role I've had…
When in Greece…
This reading week I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Athens, Greece through the Faculty of Arts and Science's International Course Module program in conjunction with the Human Biology Department’s Global Health research course. As a Global Health student,…
Talking to Professionals Workshop
Last week I attended a 2-hour long workshop at the Koffler Student Services Centre about networking. I arrived a little earlier to scope out the room and see if the environment I was signing myself up for was able to…
Studying Abroad This Summer?
As the semester’s end is quickly approaching and the fresh breath of spring is in the air, this last week’s warm weather has me thinking about summer. A few months ago, I applied for the QES Scholarship which has placements…
Indigenous Career Fair
Shé:kon/hello, everyone! I hope you’re having a great Family Day and reading week (for those of you on Reading Week!) #JoyatUofT was a success and it was amazing to see all of the things that brought you joy both on…
Finding Joy in Faith and Community
For #JoyAtUofT this week, I wanted to write about a place on campus that has brought me a lot of joy – Wycliffe College. Wycliffe College on Hoskin Avenue is home to a library, a beautiful chapel, a refectory, and…
Illustrating Joy
In the midst of scary midterms and stressful due dates, a week dedicated to celebrating the joy on campus couldn't come at a better time. In spirit of the Joy at U of T Campaign, I brought the question back…
Wakatshennón:ni (I am happy)
It’s the time of the year where the snow keeps falling and spring’s warmth seems far away, where midterms are almost here, yet the end is months away. It can turn you into a bit of a hermit and an…
A 5,700KM Journey… and then some
Travelling has always been a dream near and dear to me. More specifically, going to the United Kingdom. Figuratively speaking, one can easily imagine going Europe as stepping into a storybook. You’ve had mighty Kings and glorious Queens, knights, and…