One of the advantages of being at University is the diverse range of courses we can explore. Doing multiple programs and/or having breadth requirements makes you realise that the lines between each field are much more blurred than we thought.…
When Theory meets Reality on Opioids: An interview with Laurie and Hayley
About a month ago before winter break, I had the pleasure of interviewing two of your fellow U of T peers in the Pharmacology program about a course they took last semester: "PCL389H1:Understanding the Role of Pharmacology & Toxicology in…
My Grade Went Down How Much???
Now that the second week of second semester is here, gone are the days of lounging around and watching Netflix. Even though it's only the second week, my planner is full of midterm dates and assignment deadlines that seem dauntingly…
Reflection before the resolution
It’s the start of a new semester. And what does that mean? That we’re still mentally on vacation. But it also means that because it’s the start, we have this amazing opportunity right within our grasp. Soon enough we’re going…
Stepping Outside of My Academic Comfort Zone
I'm sure you've all seen the 'Math Lady' meme. You know, this one: Well, that's me. (Not actually, but how I feel when I hear things like "formulas" and "equations.") I've always done well in the arts, English, music…
Course evaluations end tomorrow — Do them. Now.
You probably have three unread course evaluation emails and you probably zoned out when your professor mentioned it was open in class. Well, I’m going to tell you why the ten minutes you take out of your day to finish…
Using Rewards to Motivate Your Studying
Finals are approaching, and this is the moment when ultimate procrastination kicks in. I know I need to study, yet I end up with the urge to watch YouTube rather than review lecture slides. Does anyone else feel like they…
Let’s talk about your notes…
A lot of us wake up in the morning and manage to drag ourselves to class, not really thinking much of it. We sit down, do our time, take our notes, and leave. Simple, right? But then, there’s a lot…
CCP Exclusive: Exploring inside Musical Minds
Pam-Voice & Piano Instructor/Co-founder I recently had the pleasure to engage in a conversation with one of the Centre for Community Partners Grant recipients-Musical Minds Outreach Program (MMOP). Zahra, one of MMOP's founder and current executive director for the program was…
My search for motivation
I can’t think of a worse time to be experiencing writer’s block and a lack of general motivation than at this point in the semester; but here I am staring blankly at my computer screen, waiting for intelligent ideas to…