Hello! Introductions are probably the most difficult pieces to write. However, as I will be one your Life@UofT bloggers this year, and will be sharing with you my day to day endeavors and experiences, an introduction is essential. My name…
Saying Goodbye
Until about a year ago, I thought I was cursed for interviews. I typically made it past the written stage of a job application but did not get anywhere beyond that unless I knew the interviewers beforehand. I believed there was something…
In Which I Close a Chapter

Now, A Break
On Tuesday afternoon, I finished my last exam of undergrad. It has taken some time for that fact to sink in. I'd imagined walking out of the exam centre skipping with joy in the sunlight. Instead, I spent a half hour calculating the…
I Wrote a Novel (Literally)
On Monday, I finished my first novel draft. It was 192 pages in total and just over 58000 words long. It'd taken me seven months to complete, and I wrote it for a fourth year seminar course (VIC479Y1) called The…
A Year of Doing Things I’m Afraid Of

The End of the School Year
The end of the school year is here, and I don’t know about you, but as much of a relief as it is to have made it through another year of school, it’s also kind of bittersweet for me. For…
Knowing My Limits
Source: http://copewithlife.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/stress.gif
In Which I Write a Letter to First Year Me
In Which Change is Not a Bad Thing