This is the first time that I’ve ever lived in my own place, away from parents and outside of residence. I know it’s a weird time where many of us are living at home with family, but when I was…
Why you’ll wish you went to an online event
Try to explore and find something that floats your boat.
Spending Time Alone Isn’t Sad!
There is a common misconception that spending time alone is sad, lonely or boring and that's simply not the case. As a young adult trying to make it through U of T and the great big world, some time alone…
Resolutions for the New Semester
New semester, new me! I’m sure a lot of us feel like the new semester is a fresh start for keeping up with healthy habits. Going into this semester I’ve been feeling pretty burnt out and unorganized already. Normally I’d…
How I’m Planning For a New Semester
One of my favourite things about a new semester is being able to plan out my assignments and get ready for the term. Not sure if others can relate, but I love scheduling out my entire semester and getting a…
Learning to Relax
Happy New Year! As much as I love the winter holidays and all the joy and relaxation that comes with it, I (and most likely you) have to snap back to reality. Usually, after a nice break it takes a…
Teamwork and Friendships in an Online Setting
The one thing I was extremely worried about at the start of the semester was making new friends, maintaining old friendships and performing well in group projects or activities that required teamwork. As a person, that thrives in physical spaces…
8 Low-Effort Break Ideas for the Final Stretch of the Semester!
Hi all! As the semester is wrapping up, I wanted to share some break ideas during this final exam grind AND for the upcoming winter break! This has been a challenging semester and a challenging year. I hope you are…
Inspiration and How It Can Help Motivate You
It’s that point in the semester when life gets pushed to the side and it’s all about crunching in as much studying as possible. For me, this usually leads to feeling unmotivated (and miserable!) until exam season is over. One…
The stuff that matters
With the holidays almost upon us, some of you may have already or be thinking about leaving your belongings in boxes at a friend’s house or in storage. Maybe you’re going home from campus and you can leave stuff in…