Credit title image: Jenna Liao Among the very many student groups at U of T, I'm going to talk about the TEDxUofT student group today. For me, TED was an organisation that I already knew but didn't feel personally connected…
Homemade Gift Ideas to Send Friends
This year birthdays have been a little different--we can’t really celebrate in person and gift giving is more complicated too, especially with some friends living overseas and the price of shipping! Recently I’ve been sending letters with a few little…
Inspiration and How It Can Help Motivate You
It’s that point in the semester when life gets pushed to the side and it’s all about crunching in as much studying as possible. For me, this usually leads to feeling unmotivated (and miserable!) until exam season is over. One…
Short Stories to Read During the Break
We have almost reached the end of the semester and then we will be free for an (extended) break! Usually, I promise myself that I’ll read a novel over the break but that never happens. So, I decided I would…
Understanding The Varsity from both the inside and outside
My first impressions of The Varsity newspaper was a huge combination of different stories made by some people I didn’t know, and it was an old newspaper at my university. Then I started to see that it was a collection…
Get Crafty: Hart House Art Sessions
Last Thursday I attended one of Hart House's virtual Get Crafty Sessions! Here’s my review: First we were shown a little presentation about artists who used materials that can be found at home to make their art. This workshop (and…
Dealing with Homesickness as an International Student
At random times during the day, I find myself thinking about home. Back home, it's a different lifestyle and many things are different about Toronto and Lagos, but there are a few similarities that make me feel a bit closer…
Simple Beauty Face Masks to Make at Home!
Hey everyone, this week I will be taking on the role of experimental beauty guru because I am here to share how I make some easy face masks from stuff most people already have at home! Ever since I started…
The music I listen to all-day and for studying
Music. I listen to it a lot. If I had to categorise them, it’s probably something familiar or fancy. Either way, it brings more thoughts and emotions to the present moment. I get to feel more, without travelling anywhere. Music…
Hands-On Activities to Help Keep Focused in Zoom Class
This week’s post is about the hands-on activities I do while tuning into Zoom class in order to keep myself focused. I have a bad habit of having Zoom or BB collaborate open, and then also social media, or an…