It's midterm season and that means you're probably spending countless hours of your precious youth reading, studying, and re-reading your textbooks/notes/lecture slides in a desperate effort to get that all-important "A" on your first bout of midterms/assignments. While this time of…
ASSU and You: an interview with Katharine Ball
Despite the fact that the Arts & Science Students' Union (ASSU) represents approximately 23,000 full-time undergraduate students I have found that not many students (myself included) actually know all that much about ASSU or how it functions as a part of…
Learn about the world, courtesy of U of T!
If you're like me, the idea of travelling the world is both a fascinating and daunting thing to comprehend. Who doesn't want to travel a bit, learn about a new culture, broaden their perspective, see some exotic locations and meet…
Tweeting your way to student engagement
Are you on Twitter? If not, you should be. To me Twitter is more than just another dumb social network (although it can totally seem like it sometimes) but a way for a person to stay constantly informed and up-to-date…
Meet your Arts & Science Student Blogger – me!
Hi there! I’m Matteo and for the next 8 months I’ll be your Faculty of Arts & Science Student Blogger. Throughout the year I hope to assist you in the enhancement and fulfilment of your undergraduate experience - a lofty…