I’m a huge advocate of the notion that we are constantly learning just by virtue of living and it is up to us to be open to the lessons, knowledge and wisdom that is presented to us every day. I…
How to fine tune your caffeine intake for the daily grind
My relationship with coffee started in first year when I first saw it in a pot across the breakfast table. At first, I would only see it in the mornings, often accompanied by cream and sugar. Gradually, as I got…
Cold showers: A chill 3-month self-experimentation and what I learned
I’ve always had a love for experimentation—just to see what happens. Being a student of psychology has really amplified that tendency. I first came across the concept of cold showers after reading an article on Ray Cronise1, a former NASA…
Student life and bikes: a spoke-tacular relationship to promote health and wellness
Today marks the two-year anniversary of a wonderful relationship between me and my bike. To honour the occasion, I have decided to list a number of reasons why a bicycle makes the maintenance of health and wellness of any student…
Difficult Conversations: Conversations as education instead of confrontation
University life is fraught with plenty of difficult and intimidating conversations, which many students try to avoid like the plague. Some of these conversations lie within the academic sphere, such as explaining to a professor why you think you deserve…
You-niversity: a place to figure out who you really are
“So, what do you want to be?” Before even entering university many of us are plagued with this question from well-meaning family and/or friends. But most of us don’t have an answer. And, even after entering university most of us…
The Psychology of Food Labeling: Read before you feed
“50% less fat!” states the box of cookies on the shelf of my local supermarket. “High fiber” says the box next to it. While another box asserts “Made with goji berries!” Have you ever paid attention to the bold claims…
Things that make me anxious during mid-term season
It’s that festive time of year again when we celebrate the midpoint of the semester by donning our favourite sweats, while subjecting ourselves to sleep deprivation and massive amounts of studying. These rituals often take place collectively at Robarts or…
Mindful eating: an approach to cause a gut reaction
“Watch what you eat” is the old adage given to anyone wishing to be healthier. Most people interpret the phrase using what as the keyword, and thus understand it as being more sensitive about the nutritional value and portion size of meals.…
Put your phone down: Excessive texting and phony emotional support
Despite group study sessions, project collaborations and other similar forms of encouragement by professors to increase interaction in the classroom, the bulk of our academic work is done in isolation. In fact, some of the most anxiety-provoking tasks –such as…