Avoiding Instant Noodles: Study Session Productivity
Emerging from your three-hour study session, you recall doing only three things: (i) writing your name on top of a blank paper that is currently your essay; (ii) eating; (iii) re-watching season 5 of Game of Thrones while repeating to yourself, “He’s not dead. He’s not dead. He’snotdead.” If this happens to you as often as it happens to me, then consider implementing some study session tips to increase your productivity. Here are a few I’ve garnered over years of experimenting:
Select an ideal spot for studying
For some people, the ideal spot includes background noise; hence, it’d probably be a seat at a cafeteria or a bench at Queen’s park. For others who require absolute silence, the ideal spot would be a high floor on Robarts or the third floor of Koffler’s Student Services Center. Regardless of whether or not you mind noise, choose a spot that works best for you.
Get comfortable
Whether it be taking a hot shower first, drinking two cups of Oolong tea, or throwing on that super embarrassing but oh-so-comfy Winnie-the-Pooh onesie, getting comfortable is essential to starting a good study session. It’s best to get rid of the buzz from just finishing a class or a tutorial so you can settle into a state where you can dedicate one hundred percent of your focus to studying.
— Oolong tea from a considerate friend who knew I was craving for it this week.
Have a study plan
Write out your tasks in a ‘to-do list’ format, prioritize them, and estimate how much time each task is going to take. I use a whiteboard to write out my tasks, but if you’re more technologically-oriented, consider using the ‘Notes’ app on your phone, the ‘Reminders’ app on your laptop, or an app called Any.Do that syncs your to-do list across multiple devices. A study plan will not only help you think realistically in terms of what you can achieve during your study session, but it will also help you stay on track.
Minimize distractions
It’s hard to focus when you hear that distinct ping of texts or the constantly growing number of notifications on your Facebook tab. Try minimizing distractions by turning your phone on silent and using the LeechBlock app to block those ever-tempting social media sites. If you don’t need the internet at all, consider turning off the wi-fi altogether and using a distraction-free word processor, such as JDarkRoom. Also, make sure to remove other non-technological distractions, such as clutter, off your table as well, or else you might lose your readings and utensils among the chaotic pile.
Bring everything you need to the table
It’s like gearing up for marathoning all eight Harry Potter movies—getting the popcorn, bringing the blanket, and most of all, grabbing ten tissue boxes (especially for the last movie)—except for studying, you’re more likely to consider bringing small snacks and drinks, as well as required utensils. By placing everything near you, you won’t have to break your concentration midway to grab something you needed.
— State of my desk last week—what not to do if you actually want to be able to see where your readings are.
Take breaks
Don’t plan on studying from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am because your brain won’t be able to soldier through seven hours straight of studying. Instead, take fifteen-minute breaks every hour or so—get up from your chair, stretch, walk around. Not only will this provide a mental break for you, but stretching will also loosen up your tense limbs from sitting in the same position for so long.
Try some of these out, and see if they work for you. Who knows, maybe you won’t have to eat so many late-night instant noodles while cramming three hundred pages of reading as a product of inefficient studying anymore; instead, you’ll be meandering through the streets of beautiful downtown Toronto with a delicious Frappuccino at hand!
— Emergency stash of instant noodles.Is there anything you do to increase the productivity of your study sessions? Let me know in the comments below or through @lifeatuoft on Twitter!
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