Missed our Facebook Live with the Centre for Learning Strategy Support (CLSS)? Watch the reply here. 🤩 Alex and Elizabeth from CLSS answer the top questions new students have about studying at university 📚
Related links:
*Register for a CLSS workshop on Folio: http://uoft.me/CLSSevents
*Learning Strategist appointments: https://uoft.me/lsa
*Learning How to Learn: https://uoft.me/LH2L
*Important Dates and Deadlines: https://uoft.me/importantdates
*CLSS Resource Library: https://uoft.me/resourcelibrary
*Join a Study Hub: https://uoft.me/study-hubs
*Learning Well in Second Year: https://uoft.me/LH2Y
*Centre for Learning Strategy Support website: https://uoft.me/CLSS
*Learning Well in First Year: https://uoft.me/LW1Y
*Time Management resources: https://uoft.me/timemanagement
*Better Note-Taking: https://uoft.me/BNT
*Join the Centre for Learning Strategy Support Facebook Group: http://facebook.com/groups/clssuoft
*CLSS Peer Mentor Appointments: https://uoft.me/ASPM
*Old Exam Repository: https://uoft.me/oldexams