There are so many resources available to us at U of T, and with the larger commitment school has required in the online setting, navigating all these resources can be intimidating. However, there is hope! A very quick and easy way to start your navigation this semester (and this calendar year) is to book an appointment with your Registrar Office/academic advisor, and here is why you should.
- Discuss Program/Courses
Beyond the need for CR/NCR concerns or course substitutions, I think we tend forget about the other ways Registrar Offices and academic advising can help us. Having a discussion with an academic advisor helped me consolidate and discuss what I want out of my courses and what courses I could take to benefit my interests! Also, they can talk you through the process of exchange programs. Going into a meeting with a few (even generic) questions about your program and what interests you will be a major help.
- Figure out Post-undergrad Life
Academic advisors are an amazing resource for all events on campus, connecting us with information on graduate school, or exploring other work opportunities. (Note: these events are often at the beginning of the academic year so if this interests you, connect with your Registrar’s Office or mark the calendar to book an appointment at the beginning of the next school year!)
- Virtually Meeting (making connections in quarantine)
Scouring through sites like ACORN is great way to organize your courses (i.e. on Degree Explorer) but I believe having met someone (virtually) is an even greater way to understand how your degree can work for you. Connecting with someone and talking through (instead of virtually searching for) solutions that work best for your situation is a really great experience. I don’t know about you, but discussing with someone (whether on Microsoft Teams or on the phone) can also feel like more of a connection than an FAQ list or an email (but of course, whichever method you choose is based on what fits best you and your needs)!
- Guide You to Other Resources or Supports
That’s it right there – they can guide you to other supports or resources on campus, that you can explore, depending on your interest! Ask about upcoming events/programs offered within your college, learning skills or strategy supports, and more!
Bonus: Complimentary to other advisory work on campus
Personally, I was so caught-up in my first year connecting with my Accessibility Advisor that I forgot to seek the support of academic advising within the Registrar’s Office. Bonus for students registered with Accessibility Services: here is some extra support from someone that (if you don’t want to) you don’t have to disclose details about why you registered with Accessibility Services!
How to:
Here are the links and contact info for each of the undergrad colleges:
Innis College:
New College:
New College Registrar's Office
St. Michael’s College:
416-926-7117 ext: 67117
Trinity College:
Trinity College Registrar's Office
University College:
University College Registrar's Office
Victoria College:
Victoria College Registrar's Office
Here are the links and contact info for navigating all registrars (including professional programs):
Here are the links and contact info for each of the School of Graduate Studies:
General Inquiries for Current Students: graduate.information@utoronto.ca
Financial Aid and Advising inquiries: sgs.financial.assistance@utoronto.ca
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