This week, I wanted to do a piece about being a work-study student at the Centre for Community Partnerships and what that entails. I conducted an informal interview with my fellow CCP co-worker Iris Deng and got some nice reflections to share with you all. Before that though, I wanted to speak about my own specific role here in case any of you wanted that info:
As the CCP Get Involved Student Blogger, I serve as a liaison between two teams: CCP (of course) and also the Life@UofT blogger team. My job is to be aware of whatever is happening with CCP, in terms of events we have, initiatives we are a part of….etc, and then report directly on them from my unique perspective. I also write about topics not directly linked with CCP, but things that could be connected with the values we support here at CCP. So I often end up writing about a variety of campus communities and my experiences being an involved member of the student body. Working jointly with CCP and with the Life@UofT has been a huge learning experience, since I’ve developed into a very strong team-player, gained extensive writing and editorial skills, and have gained a lot of appreciation for community-engaged learning. These are all skills that I know are going to help me in my future endeavors at UofT, but also of course after I graduate. Through my conversations with other work-study students (we've got a lot of unique positions here!), they feel the same way.
Let’s move on to my co-worker, Iris Deng! Iris is currently the Promotion & Communications Assistant at CCP, but last year, she used to hold the position that I now hold as CCP student blogger! So she’s been at CCP for a while now and has had a lot to say. Here are main points that I wanted to share:
What does CCP mean to you?
The CCP is a place where I can feel comfortable expressing myself and my ideas all the while being supported with physical resources and emotional encouragement.
How has your time as a work study here student been?
I think the fact that I’ve always gone back to the CCP year after year is a testament to the great working environment, amazing team dynamic and unlimited support that CCP has to offer that I haven’t really experience elsewhere on campus.
What skills have you learned here that you think will help you in the future?
So many! For example, from managing the blog, I can now add WordPress to my list of skills including public speaking, social media strategies, blogging, communications, marketing, community work, time management, effective collaborations. I think the work study experience to some extent prepare you with skills that seems more relevant to your future career than say just sitting in class all day (subjectively speaking), it is where knowledge and application truly comes together. I think CCP’s community engaged learning is an epitome of this fact.

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