There’s two main stages of life you go through when faced with a problem: annoyance and acceptance. (Yes, I just made that up). What I’m referring to here is how difficult it can be just getting from one place to another at U of T. We’re all aware of the expansiveness of it. What do you do when you have back to back classes from Bahen to Northrop? What do you do when you spend more time trying to find a study spot than actually studying? I’m sure we’ve all stumbled upon new buildings, spaces, cafes, short cuts (or warm-cuts), and hacks at our time here but there always seems to be more.
University College Basement
I once spent more than half an hour roaming around just looking for a space to get some work done with my friends. Okay, so it may have been midterm season which means everyone you know and their best friend was in every library and café spot you like. What we ended up doing was finding a small empty classroom in the basement of UC, and quite a lot of people were actually already there doing the same thing. You can find plenty of unconventional study spaces with just a little more searching. Keep an open mind!
OISE Connections
Considering St. George Station seems to be one of the more popular stations, we should probably know about the accesses it has. One of them is directly through the OISE building, just go down the stairs by the washrooms. If you want to be even more efficient, figure out which TTC train door you should be standing by so it opens right in front of the stairs/elevators/escalators.
Old Vic to Northrop Frye Hall.
I’m usually not on this side of campus but I was told that there’s actually a tunnel in the basement that connects these two buildings. How’s that for winter time struggles.
Philosopher’s Walk
We’ve all probably used this one time or another, but take a moment to walk through here and really put places into perspective. There’s so many routes that this helps out with – I’ve mapped out a few:
Go through buildings rather than around
Need to go from St. George St. to Devonshire? There’s paths through Innis and Rotman.
St. George St. to Kings College Cir? Go through Knox College.
Bahen to the Koffler Student Centre? Take the Hallway in front of CUBE.
Hart House Backside
Hart House has many things. Among those is this little back entrance you can access coming from Hoskin Ave or through this small path if you’re coming from Queens Park.
Queens Park Station
Make the most of the streetcar connection from here. You can also cut through the Medical Sciences building depending on where you’re headed. There’s a Tim Horton’s in here, a printing place, and a few food spots underneath – including the basement of the MarS building (Hero Burger, Booster Juice, and a number of others)
Queens Park, the Park
It’s so easy to get lost in here so take a moment to get familiar with all the different routes you can take which will save you precious minutes getting to and fro – that’s if you’re willing to use this once the snow turns into slush.

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