April 1st is coming up!!
For all with freshly completed 4.0 FCEs, this means it is time to pick your Subject POSts.
Before you declare a program, make sure you know:
- What type it is (1, 2 or 3)
- What requirements you need to apply (are there pre-requisites, an application form or a base GPA)
- When the deadlines are (first and second request periods)
Most of the information can be found on the
Art/Sci website.
Depending on your interests, abilities and expectations, there are plenty of options available for how you might want to structure the next few years of your university learning.
There are different types of degree combinations that Art/Sci students can choose from, and each one has its own pros and cons.
Specialist Degree:
Benefits: Specialists are immersed in their subject material completely, and experience a more intensive and cohesive learning process by being so engaged with their area of study. If you deeply love a very specific subject, this is a good path to consider.
Drawbacks: Elective options become limited, because you are lowest priority, you are the last to enrol in those classes and therefore will pretty much be on all the waitlists.
Major Major Degree:
Benefits: A major still requires a commitment to the subject, and a double major allows you to give your attention to two different subjects, that don’t always have to be relevant to each other. If you have strong interests that don’t always intersect, this is a good choice.
Drawbacks: The double major is tiring because you have to figure out how to split your work time, depending on the demands of each program. If they do not share courses, then you have to carry the burden of filling two separate program requirements.
Major Minor Minor Degree:
Benefits: If you have many different interests, and want to spend time exploring all those different interests, this approach allows you the most flexibility. Minors do not have heavy workloads, but still allow program access to explore the subject material, which means you will be able to enroll, and have a little more priority than those seeking to do electives.
Drawbacks: Minors don’t require as much time and dedication to complete, which means you don’t get as much time or opportunity to engage fully with different aspects of the subject material. But at the same time, minors allow you to take courses that you may be completely unfamiliar with, which could also mean that each course is more laborious than your more familiar subjects of study.
It is important to remember that there is no formulaic best way to learn, or acquire knowledge and understanding. As long as you know what to expect walking into your next year, you can meet any learning challenges you may encounter, because you'll have anticipated it, and prepared for it as much as possible.
A good tool to use, once you’ve enrolled in your POSts is
Degree Explorer, which you can find two buttons down from

It lists all the requirements you need for each program, and also gives you a status update for each semester, and how close you are to completing your degree.
Use these resources!
If you can anticipate what will happen, you can be better prepared for what is coming.
Good luck on applications!
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