- 2 majors
- 1 major and 2 minors
- 1 specialist
(Note: this is by far the longest entry I have written for UpbeaT, but I strongly feel that all information here is pertinent to your future health, happiness and sanity, so please bear with me--you won't regret it)
(Note Note: after having been at this for several hours, I've decided that at the rate I'm going, this entry is going to take about several days to read. So I gave up, and split the post into two--for now.)
Hello first year darlings. So, you've survived Frosh Week without embarrassing yourself too much. You've made some friends, added some acquaintances on Facebook, and acquired some fleeting memories of nameless faces you will see on campus now and then. You've managed to miraculously live off of instant noodles and cereal during those midterm and exam weeks of hell without actually getting scurvy. And now, finally, you've made it to the moment you've always dreamed of since the beginning of university: declaring majors (cue music from Psycho's shower scene).
Which is why I'm here, at this critical time of year, dedicating this week's post entirely to the subject that, for years, have caused so much confusion and chaos amongst students. I have personally had a really rough time choosing programs, not to mention switching programs at the end of second year to something that, well, now I enjoy infinitely more of. As a result of this experience, I've researched and critically analyzed most Life Science programs, weighed the pros and cons carefully too many times, planned and re-planned my future too many times (yes charts were actually involved), and got frustrated and confused too many times. In the end, I couldn't help but wonder if I would've been happier if I had been blessed with just ONE OPTION. I think it's now officially proven true that more choices in life leads to more stress and thus more depression. Me being the ultimate lab rat.
In order to make your PoSt selection process as painless as possible, I've come up with a few most commonly occurring scenarios that first years (and some upper years) go through that often result in trauma, mental afflictions or excessive eating. Since I'm in Life Science, most of my examples would thus pertain to different Life Sci programs. However, I will try my best to generalize my experience so that it applies to as many people as possible.
PoSts, or Programs of Studies, are things like majors, minors and specialists that you will have to enroll in at the end of your first year. To graduate, Arts and Science students are required to have a minimum of either:
Hi, this was such an awesome post and im surprised that no one has commented. Just thought id say that it was very helpful 🙂
Thanks Bobinder! Good luck with your PoSt selection! Feel free to ask any questions and I’ll try to answer them to the best of my abilities 🙂
Hi Lucy,
Thanks for the great post! I am a Life Science student going into 2nd year, wondering about courses. Is there any chance you kept your second year syllabi? If so, can you send them to me? 🙂
Hi Adam:
Check your e-mail!
Hey Lucy,
This is one amazing post. Why don’t they put something like this in the course calendar? haha. Looking forward to your next post.
Hi Zoe,
Thanks for your comment! I am very excited to write my next UpbeaT post as well! It’s actually going to be posted probably some time in the next week or so, so keep an eye out for it!
Good luck with your program and course selection! It’s almost time for the annual War of ROSI, yarr! 🙂
I am afraid of losing the opportunity to enroll in a limited special post such as Immunology major but also losing too much breadth if I do so and thus losing requirements to enroll in PhD programs in slightly different fields of Biology (although probably not as far as Ecology in my case).
Immunology major versus Cell and Molecular Biology major in my case seems to be an issue for me. This is because I’m still planning on keeping a HMB major as a post in human anatomy & physiology as good breadth.
I’m mostly interested in Cell and Molecular Biology at the moment mainly because I’m very eager to work with and discover molecules, specialized cells, and their interactions. I’m also interested in Biotechnology such as genomics, cloning, or maybe even cryopreservations lol as biotech is sprouting. These are mainly as backup plans (which I 99.9% will be enthusiastic to enter) if I do not enter Medical school (which I 99.999999999999999999999999% will work hard as I need to to do so).
As a side note, is there any general post which assist in Med Schools entry such as Imm or Health and Disease, or Physiology? Due to high relevance and/or level of rigorousness? Thanks.
So which combination is best in terms of Breadth and Training:
1) IMM + HMB:GGB/H&Disease
2) IMM + Cell and Molecular Biology
3) Cell & Molecular Biology + HMB:GGB/H&D
Thank you very much for your help and time. This is just extremely helpful for me.
Hi A:
These are some pretty detailed questions! I would highly recommend you start talking to your registrar’s office about these questions. It’s definitely your first stop with topics like these and they can at least point you in the right direction.
Dear A:
I saw both of your comments on these UpbeaT posts, and allow me to answer them below (I’m sure a lot of U of T life sci students have the same kind of burning questions–I know I definitely did).
First of all, I would agree with what’s being said above, in that you should still see your registrar and discuss these topics with him in detail. That being said, from personal experience (I did a lot of switching–from PSL specialist to CSB specialist in cell/molecular to CSB major/HMB general major), I think all three options are great. You need to realize that PhD programs don’t just look at your relevant course work. It is a part of the package for sure, but say you’re from CSB/H&D: this doesn’t really hurt your chances of going into an imm PhD program, IF you have other relevant experiences to make your case a strong one. For example, you can be taking some CSB lab and knowledge courses, but at the same time do continuous research in an imm lab on a project relevant to what you’d want to do in your PhD program. Also it’s not like people in these PhD programs expect you to know everything you need to know in their area of specialty, BEFORE you even start school. You will be trained in what would be necessary for your project. Diff labs also have different ways of doing things, so you might have experience doing a lot of Western blots but your project now requires a lot of RT-PCR and imaging (just sayin’–it’s been a while since I did any of this), so you will be taught these things. It’s not something you should worry about right now.
As you advance in your studies, you will notice 2 things: 1. majors are inherently not as rigorous as specialist programs (= less program requirements), so since all three of your options are majors, you will have the opportunity to mix and match courses to your needs at the time of course selection. 2. As a result, you’ll notice that regardless of what you do, it’s ALL under the bigger umbrella of “micro” scale biology, so it’s all connected. In the long run, you will not be at any significant disadvantage (in terms of what you LEARN) if you pick any of these 3 options.
However, let’s get real now: what programs are less difficult to do well in? Or will allow you to pick easier courses to balance out the hard ones? Also, are you looking for a purely scientific undergrad educational experience (i.e. “hard sciences”, lots of lab stuff) or are you interested in expanding your scope of learning, and learn about the interdisciplinary aspects of life science? The latter might require you to take some “soft” science courses, like some offered by HMB, and it will expose you to a different kind of thinking about the same problems. This might help you in applying for med school and other professional degrees, while a more solid laboratory focus will help you in the biotech industry and in your PhD even.
In terms of the rigor of programs, I think it’s very much an individual thing: some people I know LOVE imm and do super well in it, but don’t do as well in some H&D courses because they can’t stand things where they can’t just use logic and rational reasoning to solve problems (i.e. you might have to do more essay-typed writing). Some, like me, enjoy learning about the social science aspect of the sciences, so like, I liked incorporating the molecular aspects of virology (CSB351) with epidemiology and medical anthropology courses I was taking. I think before you think about job prospects, you need to figure out the nature of work/knowledge/courses you’re more inclined toward, so that should job prospects, etc change in the near future, you wouldn’t regret anything.
I know this isn’t one of your options right now, but I would actually highly recommend the general HMB major if it’s still being offered. I personally think undergrad is a time of exploration, and the the HMB major allows you to do just that. You can twist it any way you like to suit your own needs, and should your goals change in the near future, it will still accommodate them. I honestly do not think professional schools care too too much about what your undergrad programs are, as long as they’re in “life science” for example–the bigger directions match. Even though my undergrad was in CSB/HMB, I did a lot of other non-science courses and gained a lot of non-lab experiences, which allowed me to get into Master of Public Health programs in health promotion (a mostly social science field).
In terms of PhD: there’s no promise that any will necessarily lead to a “safe” and “well-paying” job. I think in science, at this level, if you can get ANY job, it would be pretty senior level and safe and well-paying. I think sometimes the challenge for PhD students comes from finding jobs and knowing how, simply because they’ve been in school for so long and have limited work experience. In terms of jobs experience is always key. Even if you decide to go into PhD, try to get some extra job experience along the side to help boost your credentials –my previous lab mates (PhD students were all doing that).
So with all this being said, here’s the down-low:
-Imm courses have a history of being very difficult (the specialist program I heard is deadly, not sure about the newer major). If you can, try doing H&D BUT leave room to take imm courses if you want
-I personally like H&D better than GGB because I think it’s more exciting and pertains to more areas of life science. It is commonly understood that GGB is one of the easiest programs within HMB
-I love the CSB department. It is large but profs are very approachable and friendly, and they do a great variety of research. However USRA is kind of hard to get since a LOT of students go for few profs. Imm is affiliated with Faculty of Medicine, which might influence prof availability/funding for research projects. Being in the department already might also give you an advantage when it comes to applying for grad school in the same department depending on how you network. HMB is NOT a department and does not get its own NSERC funding, so if you’re looking for a prof to work with, you can’t do summer NSERC with anyone in HMB. But I’ve always felt it’s the nicest in all of these life sci programs. It’s not hard to do well in HMB courses, generally speaking (of course there are always the few odd balls).
I hope that answers most of your worries/concerns! I would suggest don’t corner yourself right now in terms of your options, because you never know how you might feel about life 2-3 years down the road. You might think med school and/or research are the ONLY ways out right now, but if you keep your grades up and are always looking for new experiences to learn from, you might arrive at a path that right now you can’t foresee.
Feel free to comment if you have any more questions.