Thursday, December 20th, 2012...2:59 pm

Skates & Dates: Keeping Busy Over the Holidays

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So it has happened again! We approach the end of another semester and despite the work it took to get here, I can’t help but think – where’d the time go? Except then I think, wait – STOP THAT! You are on holiday, and it’s time to enjoy the break, eat lots of food, see some family and/or friends and go – skating?

Yes. Skating! Despite a roughly 6-year hiatus from the last time I strapped on my blades, myself and a couple of cool classmates decided to ring-in the end of semester with a somewhat unstable circling of the rink at Nathan Phillips Square. Apparently I was the least skate-oriented of my mates, as I was the sucker lining up at the rental counter to rent myself a brand-used pair of size 8 figure skates (skate rentals are $10 and require photo I.D.). Not bad for a one-time deal, but if I was to really hone-in on my skills this season, I’d suggest buying a pair of used skates at the local Value VillagePlay it Again Sports, or check out Newson’s located in the west end.

Skaters at Nathan Phillips Square.


The best part about skating in the city is that it’s always free (once you get those skates) – and although Nathan Phillips Square and the Harbourfront Centre may be the most popular picks, there is an extensive list of rinks around the city that you can choose from. Most have official hours ending at 10pm, but I’ve heard that after these hours there are some pretty serious shinny games that go down. If that’s your thang – then you best be getting your hockey-on at a rink near you.



Not into skating? Here are some other festive events going on in the city while we avoid U of T for awhile:

There’s plenty of fun to be had in the city over the break! So on behalf of Gradlife, I’d like to wish you all Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, Joyous Kwanzaa, and (when you’re not skating), may you get some well-deserved rest!

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