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30 Days 30 Ways (24): Get Employed August 31, 2011

Posted by ekkellogg in 30 Days 30 Ways.
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If you’re looking for a part-time position for fall and you qualify for the Work-Study Program, there are tons of opportunities to get employed on campus. These positions usually call for a part-time commitment throughout the academic school year, and are much more understanding of a student’s schedule. Although the positions will be posted on the Career Centre’s website tomorrow (check out their “Job Search” feature), if you already know a certain place that you’re interested in working, you can also visit their individual website for a listing of opportunities. And before you apply, consider visiting the Career Centre for advice on updating your resume, perfecting your cover letter and honing your interview skills.

Athletics: Teamwork, leadership and fun March 16, 2011

Posted by Chris Garbutt in Student Life.
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Which university involvement opportunity allows you to combine elements of leadership, social interaction, learning new skills, and staying in shape? Athletics, of course! Being involved in athletics allows you to make new friends, learn a new skill, or refine skills you already have, while keeping active and having fun.

“Getting involved in athletics is a different way to colour your university experience,” says Catherine Morgan, a winger for the Women’s Varsity Rugby team. “Sports have always been a part of school for me, and it just gives me a good way to release my energy.”

Darcy Brioux, Senior Manager for Leadership Development at the Faculty of Physical Education and Health, says that being involved in athletics offers tremendous benefits to students, by “being able to work with others, helps build a diverse resume, helps balance your life and manage your time better.”

Catherine decided to join varsity rugby because sports were initially a big part of her high school experience, and she wanted to continue to reap the benefits that the sport provided.

“My coach and team create such an extensive support system, they’re here for me both on the field and off.”

She also says that sports are a great way to make friends “I’ve made friends with people from many different backgrounds. Everyone is united on a team for the same desire and passion for playing the sport at a high level, so you feed of everyone’s energy. “It’s definitely helped me network, because I’m involved with people of many ages,” Catherine says.

Not only does athletics offer social support, it also allows you to exercise your teamwork skills. “Sports in general are extremely dependent on teammates and you have to trust each other in order to accomplish a common goal,” Catherine says. “You each have a role and you all work as a unit towards a certain play.”

Sports have also allowed Catherine to improve her time management skills. “I actually manage my time better during the season, because I’m so busy that when you do have free time, you actually use it to be productive.” This also flows into the bigger picture: “I never know how long the season is going to last, especially in the playoffs, so you have to be on top of your work, so you’re caught up”

Catherine also says that sports have enriched her school experience “I’m motivated to work… I finish my work so I can go out and play.” This motivation allows Catherine to structure her life, to maintain a good balance between school work and extracurricular activities. “I’m committed to both school and sports, so I will finish that essay so I can go out to practice.”

Maybe you have the urge to get active, but you’re not about to try out for a Varsity team. Try joining an intramural team in your preferred sport area – U of T has its own Quidditch team – so there’s no doubt you’ll find an option that will interest you. Visit the intramurals website for more information.

The Athletic Centre also hires over 800 students every year. View job opportunities at the Athletics Centre Website. UTSC also offers job opportunities. And check out volunteer opportunities for Camp U of T.

Photo from the Varsity Blues website.