I walked into my first circus silks class at the Athletic Centre last Friday pretty confident (largely due to the fact that I found my way from the AC change rooms to the Lower Gym in the Benson building on the first try).
Essentially the layout of the Athletic Centre and, of course, University College. Good luck. Background Source: watchervault.com
I wasn’t arrogant — I know I know nothing about aerial silks, but the instructor asked if I had done anything similar or notable and I mentioned that I’ve been coaching gymnastics for over five and a half years and used to do aerial yoga.
This is aerial yoga. 10/10 would recommend. Even if just for the awesome Instagram photos you’ll get out of it. Source: yearningforyoga.wordpress.com
It's a New Year!
A fun fact about me: I am a fitness instructor on campus.
No, but seriously. I love being a fitness instructor:
I find group fitness motivating. It keeps me active, because I know that at least once a week I have to smile while I'm working out. That takes training. In our industry, we are often reminded that when we are instructing, our focus is on the participants getting a great workout. So I try to attend multiple group fitness classes a week to get a good workout myself.
The start of the ’gap’ between midterms and finals is definitely a good time to find more opportunities to de-stress where possible. As I’ve been emphasizing the importance I’ve placed on striking a balance between work and play, I’ve decided to find out where my fellow first-years have been going to relax on campus. Specifically, I’ve been looking for places to ‘unplug’ and unwind without keeping a constant eye on my phone.
Halloween is over, so we’re officially allowed to countdown to Christmas right?
I LOVE holidays, especially Christmas. I can’t wait to see the city all dressed up and to go gift shopping and skating in Nathan Phillips square.
If you’re like me, a big barrier to trying something new is being that person that’s standing in the middle of the hallway with no idea where they’re going or what they’re supposed to be doing. If you’re like me,…
Hey all, Last week I wrote about forming new habits and routines. An important part of my weekly routine is attending Drop-In Fitness Classes on campus. I like the variety of the instructors, the community-building vibe, and the convenience of…
Spring is coming very quickly this year! Spring is like a sunrise in the East and it feels like a new beginning. Spring is also a time for revitalizing, rejuvenating and getting back to basics. It is a time for…
It is week four of term and I am already missing the chocolate-consuming, snuggled in comfy clothing, social function-filled days of the winter break. Not to mention that I am frozen to my core. Yes I know, it was way…
*Credits to that one random poster at UTSC for the title. I wish I were that creative with my puns. If the title wasn’t a dead giveaway, this week I had my first yoga class at Hart House and it…
So, you've been accepted to UofT, you've planned all the courses you want to take, and you know where you're going to live in the fall. Nothing left to worry about, right? Wrong. You probably still have just a few questions…