Since most of the services at U of T have transitioned to online, I decided to book an appointment with my college Registrar (St. Michael's College) because it’s super convenient! I also had a lot of things I wanted clarification on before I chose my courses for the upcoming year so I thought I would go ahead and make an appointment.
I didn’t really know where to start since it was my first time making an appointment, so I just googled my college Registrar and found the contact information. For me, I prefer to communicate using email, but there’s also an option to call! I sent them a short email about my specific problems and questions and shortly after, I received a response telling me that they would help me book an online advising appointment. They asked me if I had a particular counsellor I wanted to speak with (I didn’t because it was my first time making an appointment) and they gave me a time slot!
The appointment was through Microsoft Teams (just the call option). Since I already had used the app before, I had no technical issues, so I would definitely recommend downloading the app prior to the meeting to avoid being late. My counsellor was super nice (shout out to Alex!) and messaged me on the app a couple of minutes before the scheduled meeting time to see if I was ready which was great.
the struggles of online meetings! Creds:
I had a list of questions written down so that I wouldn’t miss anything. I was surprised by how understanding the counsellor was and how willing he was to listen to my (many) questions and even told me useful information that I didn’t know before. My counsellor also directed me to the appropriate places I could go to and people I could speak with for specific questions I had. My counsellor also took a look at my academic history to see if I’m on the right track to graduate.
my handy list of questions for the appointment
Overall, my first experience in an online appointment was great— I learned a lot and having my questions answered definitely relieved my stress. My counsellor was also super friendly and gave me lots of encouragement. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with your Registrar—it’s super easy to do and they are happy to help!
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