Last week, if you remember, I wrote about finding balance in life. I emphasized how important it is to take a break from studying and do something enjoyable. During university, taking part in extra-curricular activities such as clubs, sports, and other organizations is a great way to stay involved on campus and still have some fun. Becoming involved at university is very important to me, as this is how I was able to really explore my interests, make new friends, and find a sense of belonging on campus.
With over 800 clubs and organizations at U of T even choosing a club to join becomes overwhelming. I guarantee if there is something for everyone at U of T. The best way to decide what club or organization to join is too explore all of your options—the U of T Clubs Fair held at the beginning of the year is great place to start! It's a day long event held on Front Campus during Orientation Week. This is a great chance to meet and get more information directly from club members. Another great place to look for clubs is the Ulife website which lists the hundreds of clubs at U of T along with a description of their club and contact information. From course unions and student publications to sports teams and chess club, U of T has it all!
The best way to gain a sense of belonging at University is to get involved! Photo credits: Juliette Teodoro
Something I still struggle with is signing up for too many things and then going crazy when I am not able to fit club meetings, events, and other responsibilities into my timetable. It seems that many students will get involved in order to build their resume and to appear well-rounded. However, to avoid a breakdown mid-way through the year, it is so important to join clubs and take part in activities you are genuinely interested in and will not regret investing your time in. In fact, most clubs will require an application and sometimes interviews to actually join. You want to be able to write about why you are interested in club, so pick clubs that really matter to you.
No matter what your interests, I guarantee there is a club at U of T for you. As a life science student I tried to take part in activities relevant to my field, such as writing for a science magazine and joining a course union. I soon realized that I am not merely a science student—I have so many more interests I want to explore further. Now, I am involved in wide variety of organizations including religious groups, cultural groups such as the Pakistani Students Society, and even creative groups such as the Trinity College Dramatic Society. Getting involved on campus has allowed me to expand on my skills, pushed me to explore new interests, and has really helped me create balance in my life.
Goodluck finding your own way to become involved on campus and comment below if you have any questions! Until Next Time!
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