- During the Mass, as the priest took a second to welcome our multi-faith group to the service he jokingly said that someone would do a "song and dance" for us after the service (he was referring to the debrief/discussion session we would have afterwards). The girl beside me turned to me and asked "Does he mean she's actually going to dance for us?" I laughed a little inside, but then realised that I would be just as clueless if I was attending a service in a religion I was less familiar with (though I'm not Catholic, this wasn't the first time I've attended a Catholic Mass). It was definitely a reminder to myself that I should be more mindful of these things.

- What I was struck by was the initial uneasiness I had in attending a service or visiting a space that was tied to a certain faith community. I am not a member of any of the faith communities that we had visited on that day and being invited to another community's sacred time and space was quite uncomfortable at the beginning. It felt like I was intruding on a personal moment (and in some ways, I guess I was). However, the openness that our tour group was greeted with at each stop was quite touching. Being "allowed" to stand when the Torah was taken out, or to share the peace during Mass, or to wear an optional head covering during the Jumu'ah prayer service was a lesson in compassion and inclusion.

- It wasn't just the members of our tour who got an education. At various points we were stopped by bystanders who asked what we were doing--some of them were members of the respective faith communities we visited, some were not. Most of them remarked on what a great idea of an event it was. The conversations that arose from those encounters made me realise just how rare of an occurrence these conversations actually are. I think living in a such a diverse city, I can take for granted the exposure I get to different cultures and communities. In actuality, I stay in my own community for the most part and don't take an effort to really engage with, not just tolerate, communities much more different than mine.

- Continuing on from that point... I came away from that day realising just how much I don't pay enough attention to what's going on around me. I live literally (yes, I'm using this word correctly) steps away from a Russian Orthodox church and have never really thought much about it or interacted with anyone there. During high school I lived in a predominantly Muslim country and heard the sounds of the Friday prayers being broadcast from the mosque (they could be heard for miles) and never really stopped to actually listen to them the way I did during the service I attended during the tour. There's so much going on around me that I reduce to "background noise" and that's a shame, because I could probably learn a thing or two by just paying attention once in a while.
Every vessel can only pour what's in it.Fostering compassion and empathy in ourselves means that we are then able to "pour" that compassion out to others. And we are only able to fill ourselves with these traits by really engaging with communities that are not our own, not just putting up with or tolerating them.
The organizations mentioned here were:
- Wolfond Centre for Jewish Campus Life
- Newman Centre Catholic Chaplaincy & Parish
- Muslim Students' Association
Dear Phoebe,
Thank you for a very insightful article!! You captured the essence of what we’re trying to undertake here at the Multi-Faith Centre, namely to engage students from different world views in opportunities for mutual understanding and respect.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in the tour and writing such a thoughtful reflection.
Best Regards,
Richard Chambers
U of T Multi-Faith Centre
Thanks Richard! I had a great time. I look forward to seeing you at other Multi-Faith Centre events in the future. Send my regards to the student organizers as well – they did a fantastic job.