Year one of my Masters degree: a year of firsts

With the year wrapped up, a lot of my friends at the iSchool, U of T's Faculty of Information, have been joking that we're now "half masters." We've got one more year to go in the Master's of Information (MI) program, and at the risk of sounding totally cliched, it really feels like time flew by this past year. The concept that I'll be walking on stage at Convocation Hall a second time just a year from now seems wild and way too soon! But for now, I've still got summer classes, an internship, and a whole year of courses standing between my graduation gown and I.

At the risk of sounding too “Eat, Pray, Love”…

Long time, no see, U of T! I've been caught up in exams and the culmination of my undergraduate career, and as life goes, the time has just flown by way too quickly. (Exams went well overall, so I am quite pleased). 

Me sitting on the grass on Hart House Lawn
Me at the start of this school year (me now below)

And somehow I landed here at this moment, writing my last post for Life @ UofT and bidding you all a warm farewell. I’m hoping it won’t be too lame or cliché or sentimental, but since I am all of those things it probably will be.

Yours in Pharmacy.

It's hard to believe that this is my last post as your Professional Faculties Blogger. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing the many experiences that I had within the Faculty of Pharmacy as well as showcasing the other professional faculties here at U of T. I hope, as a reader, you gained valuable insight into the many opportunities that exist beyond your undergraduate studies.

April Musings

In true Emaan fashion, I'm going to start off by talking about the weather today. I know I've taken my fair share of jabs at old Mother Nature and her troupe (Wind, Snow, Rain and the foster child Hail) but when the entire fam has taken it upon themselves to behave throughout my entire exam period, it's time to give thanks.
JUST LOOK AT THOSE BEAUTIFUL TWO DIGITS! spring is finally, finally here!
JUST LOOK AT THOSE BEAUTIFUL TWO DIGITS! spring is finally, finally here!

Exam Season Special: Secluded Study Spots

This is me, a week before my first exam on Monday. 

photo of me pulling a horrendous face because I am oh-so-freaked out about exam season

Slightly frantic, considering there are hundreds of pages of extremely dense readings to  review and only seven days in which to accomplish this.

Did some light reading, copied down some old lecture notes, went over two problem sets. (with periodic Facebook breaks in between, of course. A girl’s gotta stay updated, right?) 

Now, this is me, three days before my first final on Monday:


No, that’s not actually me, but in case it helps, let me paint a picture for you…with words.

It is 6PM.

I have my hair scraped up high into a no-nonsense bun complete with hideous scrunchie (#90sthrowback)

My backpack is crammed with notebooks, heaps of papers and a pack of felt-tips in obnoxiously bright colours.

I’ve got a massive textbook in one hand and Gatorade in the other.

It’s showtime. 

Spotlight on Medicine!

A career as a doctor is one of the most sought-after profession among undergraduates. As such, I figured many of you would like to hear some valuable insight about the program and advice about getting in! Please meet Hasanen who is a second year med student. He completed both his Bachelors of Science and Masters of Science at the University of Ottawa. I hope you find his advice valuable!