There's no sweeter feeling than finishing exams. Whether you had one or five, the feeling of total freedom that comes after the last one is pure bliss. For me though, by the time my last exam rolls around I've been studying non-stop (with a healthy bit of procrastination in there) for so long that even after I'm done I often feel like I should still be studying and have no idea what I should do with all this free time. So for my last blog post (more on this at the end) here's what I've been doing since writing my last exam yesterday.
Step 1: Get started on that huge list of books you plan to read this summer. First up for me was to finish The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd and now I'm on to Slouching towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion. My summer plan is to read as many books as possible before the school year starts up again. Who's with me?
Step 2: Deal with the disaster that your room has become. If you're like me you get so in the zone during exam time that by the end you can't actually see your desk (if you're not like that then I applaud you). I was going to include a before picture here but it was just too bad.
Step 3: Living room dance party while you tidy the rest of your apartment. Don McLean and I give two thumbs up to being done exams.
Step 4: Sit back, relax, and veg out with some netflix. Netflix may be my #1 procrastination tool during exams but watching it afterwards guilt-free is so great. Planet Earth documentaries narrated by David Attenborough are also great.
Step 5: Decide that what you really need to do is organize your bookshelf to deal with the influx of Christmas/birthday/just for fun books that you've accumulated since last time you organized your books. Try and fit in your textbooks, anguish a little over how ugly textbooks are, despair at the fact that you have to send another box full of books home because you have too many. sometimes you just have to say goodbye to your old fav teen reads and those random books you bought at a book sale and probably will never read
Step 6: Go for a walk, hang out with your friends, take up a craft, work out, take a nap, do whatever... the world is your oyster. Another set of exams is over and done with!
(warning sappy last post feelings below)
So that's it! My last post! It's been nearly a full year since I first started blogging here at Life at U of T (I cannot believe how fast it went) and I can honestly say that it has probably been my best year at U of T yet. This job made me really get out and try so many things that I had been meaning to do, made me use my camera a lot more, and introduced me to so many great people. Thank you all for reading along (and following along on instagram and twitter) and be sure to stick around for next year's crew (they're really awesome, trust me)!
Adios friends!
- Amie
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