The Pro/Am Open Mic hosted by the Trinity College Comedy Collective
Last Friday I had the opportunity to help organize a hilarious stand-up comedy show with my group the Trinity College Comedy Collective. It was actually our first official event! We've been planning it for months, so, it was nice to see all our work (especially from our wonderful President Celeste!) finally coming together.
We even made a poster for the event. How ~*professional*~ is that?!
Before the event we got together to prepare the room for our extravaganza. We moved chairs. Like, so many chairs - I didn't know that many chairs could exist in one space. I guess anything is possible in 2015. After that, the landing was put in for the stage, and the audio and lights were set up.
Done! - Credit: Syndi Li Waton
Destiny hit me, and I was democratically elected by a body of two as the DJ for the event. The voting members included me and another member who decided to perform instead. Just like that -- it was 8:30pm, and there were over a hundred people in the room. I played the first song of the event. Don't worry, I made sure to troll just a little. It was:
And then the doors metaphorically closed, and the real show began.
We (Celeste!) somehow managed to get a bunch of extremely talented and professional comedians to perform. They included Tim Gilbert, Natalie Norman, Gareth Lloyd, and Lauren Mitchell.
Gareth Lloyd! One of my favourite comedians of the night! He compared holiday shoppers to garbage bags, and I almost died in that moment. - Credit: Syndi Li WatonNatalie Norman called me out as being a Bar Mitzvah DJ. I've never been so flattered. Also, her material literally brought down the house. - Credit: Syndi Li Waton
On top of that, I got a few of my aspiring comedian friends to do stand-up as well!
Can you feel the passion? - Credit: Syndi Li Waton
Everybody did amazing, and an hour into the show I swear mascara started running down everybody's eyes from laughing too hard. Even people who don't wear mascara. The magic of comedy created mascara in our eyes.
Unfortunately, Sara Hennessy was sick that day, so, the awesomely hilarious Matt O'Brien agreed to headline. Before he performed he commented on my DJ skills to the audience, saying that because I looked like an H&M model you'd expect better music coming from me. I lead him in with Len's "Steal My Sunshine," so, I pretty much deserved that. I wasn't offended because I was actively trolling -- I thought it was hilarious that he caught on, and his material was obviously hysterical.
Matt O'Brien bein' cheeky.
It was the best night, and I want to send a sincere thank you to everyone who made time to come out! To quote the wonderful Celeste Yim: "Friends! Performers! Strangers! Bar Mitzvah DJs!" Everyone! Also, a huge thanks to Celeste herself, without her, this night wouldn't have been possible.
Stay groovy, and keep posted to Trinity College Comedy Collective for all future gatherings!
Thanks Lester! - Credit: Nathan Chan
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