new self-portrait.
- Get involved with on campus extra curricular
- Discover what I was interested in
- Live well in a city I am unfamiliar with
- Learn how to cook
- Make fabulous friends
- Make a snow angel (Coming from the tropics, this is a big one, I have my first experience on film)
a still of me executing perfect snow angel form from aforementioned film.
- Pull multiple all-nighters
- Work at a soup kitchen
- Read a ridiculous amount of literature in a short time
- Eat too much food truck poutine
- Do a random minor completely for fun
- Fall badly on the ice at least once every winter

the UofT student diet.
With one semester left, I decided to compile a list of things I wanted to do before graduated:- Go see a collection at the Justina Barnicke gallery in Hart House
- Use as much wifi as possible
- Go to a couple of free lectures/talks
- Use the career center
- Enter a poetry contest
- Study outside when the weather gets nice
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