Monday, April 2nd, 2012...1:23 pm

University Lip Dubs: U of T Represent!

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Well, lucky for us grad students, there is no time of year that really lends itself to procrastinating. That being said, doesn’t that mean all times of the year are good times for procrastinating? Enter: UNIVERSITY LIP DUBS!

I discovered the phenomenon of the University Lip Dub just after graduating from Guelph. I checked out UofG’s rendition of Arcade Fire’s “Rebellion (Lies)” and was impressed with the orchestration of it all.

A lip dub is: a type of video that combines lip syncing and audio dubbing to create a music video.

Since then, there have been a few really impressive creations coming from York, UBC and now — U of T! I first caught wind of the UT version earlier in the year and have been looking forward to it. Alas! The wait it over.

But first, check out what UBC and York put together:

Highlights of the UBC Lip Dub:

  • the underwater (!!) scene at the end
  • the finale includes a birds-eye view courtesy of a helicopter (!! again)
Highlights of the York U Lip Dub:
  • showcases and celebrates diversity — features different groups’ traditional dress and dance
  • the “Black Ice” dance group towards the end
  • large choreographed number at the end
  • seems to have been done without corporate sponsorship, which is not the case for UBC or U of T
And now, I present to you, U of T’s version of the Lip Dub — I’m not gonna say much, other than the production value of this is pretty damn awesome. I noticed there were quite a few “haters” on youtube and you know what I say to that? When’s the last time you made a Lip Dub?!? Check it out for yourself, share, and REPRESENT!

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