A “Cool” New Way To Cool Off And Meditate

So we know U of T can get to be a super stressful place, and even though its pretty cold outside, we still feel the heat of expectations and pressure from the university. If you're into meditation, just like your friendly neighborhood Muslim, try performing ablution before you meditate, like we do! Its called, wu'du in Arabic, and its performed by hundreds if not thousands of fellow U of T students across the campus. The purpose of Wu'du is to physically and spiritually cleanse yourself before you meditate and strive to find that spirituality. Its intent is to calm and cleanse yourself before you go in to pray and/or meditate. The image below demonstrates the steps to perform wudu, perform each step 3 times for each limb, and remember, next time you see someone in the washroom with their foot in the tub, they're simply trying to find their spirituality. Wudhu