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Looking for life on Mars August 19, 2010

Posted by barrett hooper in Student Life.
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A few intrepid U of T researchers are taking the name of this blog a lot more literally than I ever imagined. Jonathan Abbatt of the Department of Chemistry and Kimberly Strong and Kaley Walker of the Department of Physics are part of the international team of scientists developing an instrument to search for signs of life on Mars during the 2016 ExoMars Trace gas Orbiter NASA-European Space Agency mission (what a mouthful!).

To continue with the gobbledygook, the instrument is called the Mars Atmospheric Trace Molecule Occultation Spectrometer, or MATMOS for short. It will probe the atmosphere of Mars in search of biological sources of methane, and consequently, signs of life.

Looking for alien life. That’s a pretty cool way to spend your time at U of T. Even if it’s not as cool as finding alien skulls or an intergalactic Bigfoot.

The ultimate career fair, Sept 21-23 August 17, 2010

Posted by barrett hooper in Uncategorized.
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Why are you in university? Sure, to get an education. To broaden your minds, expand your horizons. To meet new people and have new experiences and live and learn about the world, about yourself. But let’s face it: the top reason anyone goes to university (or any school of higher learning, for that matter), is so that they can get a J-O-B some day.

That’s where the U of T Career Centre comes in. In addition to the year-round services offered by the CC, each September it hosts the largest career event on campus, called Career Information Days. There’s year’s event runs Sept. 21-23 at University College (15 Kings College Circle).

Basically, it’s a giant career fair providing an opportunity for all students from all three campuses – whether you’re a recent graduate, about to graduate or just laying the groundwork for when you hit the streets diploma in-hand – to meet and network with representatives from more than 100 top organizations.

Jointly organized by AIESEC Toronto, the Engineering Career Centre and the U of T Career Centre, the CID devotes each of its three days to specific disciplines. But it’s not just a casual drop-in sort of affair. The chance to make real connections with potential employers is high. So come prepared. (That’s right, the CID requires a bit of homework on your part, but it offers the very real possibility of getting your foot in the door of your future career.)

The Career Centre offers a variety of preparation tips to help you make a strong, professional impression, from how to dress to identifying your goals and objectives to researching the employers you’ll be meeting. There are also CID preparation workshops offering last-minute tips and suggestions.

Adventure has a new super-awesome name August 3, 2010

Posted by barrett hooper in Uncategorized.
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Will you be attending U of T for the first time this September? Want to win a few bucks for the U of T Bookstore while discovering all kinds of cool things about life at U of T? The folks at the Office of Student Life have launched the Super-Awesome Web Adventure. Just answer 10 questions that you can find the answers to on the University’s websites.