The student life seems to be one of extremes, and perhaps that is what makes it so glamorous. The stereotypical displays of exaggeration include inordinate amounts of drinking during parties, barely existent amounts of sleep during midterm and final season,…
LSAT Prep Classes: Things to Consider
Fingers crossed, I hope to write the LSAT this June. Sarah gave some great advice on getting started and what to consider when preparing. She also mentioned prep courses, an option that many students take, especially if they feel like…
UTSU Emergency Townhall Meeting
On Tuesday, September 25th, the University of Toronto Students' Union held a town hall meeting in MSB 2158 to solicited feedback on a response paper to the Ministry's new discussion paper on the future of pse. Here are some tweets from the event.
Small College, Big Community
For all of the flack Trin gets, I find it ironic that the three most important things that set Trin apart from other colleges are rarely mentioned, three things which really make it one of the most inviting atmospheres on…
Dear Fourth Year Me
Dear Fourth Year Me, I know, you made it! Lucky for you that Mayan Calendar-end-of-the-world thing was just a phase right? As you gear up to say goodbye to what were the most eventful years of your young adulthood, let's…
learn to be a boss at U of T – kickstart
Let me take you back to a year ago. I'd just graduated high school and was eagerly awaiting starting university. I was quite giddy in fact, when I received my admission; it was like I had just received the golden ticket to Willy Wonka's…
The Halfway Point
My name is Vahini and I’m one of your new student life bloggers. I couldn’t be more excited about blogging my experiences, thoughts and idea for the next year. I’m currently a double major in History and Diaspora and Transnationalism…
Housing, Housing, Everywhere…
So lately I've been pondering what my future is going to look like as I get set to graduate in.... 8 weeks, 2 days, 8 hours, 32 minutes, and 12 seconds, 11, 10... But who's counting? Regardless of how excited…
Thank You Canada!
So lately, every U of T student and their cat has been posting to Facebook and Twitter complaining that they didn't get a grant that was, as they see it, owed to them by the Ontario government. For those of…
A letter to my First-Year self
Dear First-Year Me, So you’ve just finished your first semester at U of T. Congrats! One down, seven more to go! Now while you may think you’ve got it all under control, and I’ll admit that you’re not doing such…