Toronto is a city of hustle and bustle, so when you add the beautiful summer sun into the mix it can be a challenge to find anywhere that’s not sporting a crowd of people. Who else waited in absurd lines…
A Week in the Life: Seoul Edition
By the end of last week, I was exhausted from studying. It felt like all I’d been doing lately was problem set after problem set, assignments, and readings. “I feel like I’ve been studying even more than I used to…
Finding Things to Do on Exchange
Last Saturday was a blur of lights and music. As I exited the amusement park where the KB Rapbeat Festival was held, I carefully eased the entry wristband off my hand and tucked it into my pocket. “I’ve never been to…
The End is Near!
I can’t believe it’s December already. The last few months have been a bit of whirlwind and I’m in need of a break. I’m sure everyone is in the same boat! However, just because classes are out doesn’t mean the…
Baby it’s…warm…outside: giving your body some love this winter
What a spectacular time to be alive! I had the pleasure of giving my beautiful friend a beginner ski lesson the other day at Lakeridge Ski Resort and was ecstatic to be able to hit the slopes in jeans and only a couple of thin layers. I can’t be the only one loving this warm streak, not to mention all the sun. We had a blast and I was reminded of how much a girl can enjoy winter.
So, since I can’t imagine we’ve seen the last of winter just yet, I thought I’d highlight some of the many things to do on campus as well as in and around Toronto to keep your body moving and enjoy this so-far-mild winter!