Group of empty chairs arranged in a circle, facing each other

Finding Support Through Group Therapy

Knowing how to find and use the mental health services available to you on campus can be a daunting task. I've heard from students who have found great counsellors at the Health and Wellness CentreĀ and others still who, not knowing what kind of support they were exactly looking for, were overwhelmed with where to start. One of the things I found most helpful among the mental health services that I have had experience with were the CBT groups offered at Health & Wellness.
Group of empty chairs arranged in a circle, facing each other

Have No Fear: Peers are Here!

Hello, UofT St. George has some pretty fantastic student programming on campus, and opportunities to connect with resources. I think its particularly great that students who are seeking help are given autonomy and choice, and flexibility in health care options. This week, I had the chance to chat with Peers are Here program coordinator, Adam, about the peer groups he helps to run, what you can expect from a session, and why he is passionate about this project. Screenshot 2015-11-12 23.15.39