Our assignments and tests seem to be on a never-ending roller coaster ride. Just as quickly as the semester began, it is also coming to an end. We survived the post-summer blues, midterm season, and are currently going through that…
How I Developed My Writing Skills
I have always loved English classes and writing, whether creative or essay-based. Throughout high school, the writing process was relatively natural for me. However, I took an English course in my first year that challenged me to amp up my…
From one procrastinator to another
It’s that time of the semester again. Deadlines. Finals coming up. More deadlines. And what does your brain say in response? Netflix. Youtube. “Just one more video”. We cut down on stuff that could actually help with studying like going…
Being a Woman in STEM
This Monday, I attended the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Lab tours event. Having the opportunity to talk to leading researchers in STEM fields like physics, biochemistry and cell biology, I began to think about my own journey as…
Appreciating the little things
With all that goes on in our academic lives and the pressure that looms heavily over our heads; urging us to be the best we can be, have the best grades, the highest GPA, join as many clubs as we…
Dealing with stressful weeks
Last week was one of those weeks – three exams and two midterms. And I was sick. You can imagine the stress. I like to look back and reflect on particularly stressful weeks mainly because it’s interesting how despite how…
Cramping Hands And Bad Grammar; In-Class Assignments.
I had forgotten the pressure and anxiety caused by tests, and with two in-class essays, I’m remembering again. The classic thoughts of “do I have carpal tunnel?” and “am I allowed to ask a question?” and “how much time have I…
How I changed my life in 60 minutes
Mindful Meditation I’m all for trying new things and stepping out of our self-designed bubbles, but that’s the thing with ‘self-design’, even when we try new things it is within a certain category. It will usually be things that we’ve…
De-stress for Success
It’s that time of year again: midterms! If there’s one thing I’ve learnt during my time in university, it's that taking breaks during studying is crucial to your success. To de-stress, I prefer to get out of my study space.…
Figuring out what works best for me.
Hi, I’m Sydney. I’m this year's First-year Blogger, and my favourite movie is Good Will Hunting. I -like many others- am still deciding what I want to study. Mainly because I’m really passionate about one thing: people, but I have…