Introductory Akkadian, King Arthur, and A History of Japanese Monsters are just a few of the many classes that you can take at U of T. Sure, they might sound a little “off-beat” or unconventional (unless you’re planning on pursuing…
November 5th is the official deadline to drop a Fall class for this semester. Speaking from personal experience, I know what it’s like to be confused by, and bit scared of, the concept of dropping a class, so I wanted…
If you’re a bit like me, then you probably have an “I CAN DO IT ALL! NOTHING AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME! HAHA!” attitude towards life sometimes. And, if you’re a bit like me, then you already know that…
Back when I was in high school, my father would always tell me that I needed better time management skills. I'd like to say that now I'm a master of scheduling, a non-procrastinator who gets things done immediately with magical…
A trap I often fall into this time of year is thinking that I'll have some more time to study during the exam period because I'm relieved of my lecture-attending duties. What actually ends up happening is that I waste more…
With November coming to an end, finals are rapidly approaching and it’s time for us to start preparing!
I’m going to be honest with you, the first thing I did after seeing the exam schedule for this semester was panic – I have 3 exams within 2 days. If I want to do my best on all my exams, cramming isn’t an option. Therefore, it’s time to start scheduling my time wisely.
Time is ticking