A couple weeks ago, one of my friends had an appointment with a learning strategist at the University of Toronto, and was talking to me about how helpful it was. I had never really heard of this service, so I…
How I Create Boundaries Between Studying and Breaks!
With online schooling, studying and social time has just become a constant blur. Just yesterday I was studying for my midterm and was constantly distracted by the quicksand of texts and social media. What may be most difficult about effectively…
Having a Fresh Start
"You're struggling with this because it is hard." This was one the things that stuck with me from last weekend. I attended the Fresh Start Conference, an annual one-day event dedicated to getting students back on their feet after a…
Balancing School and Self-Care (Part Two)
There are many ways to get through midterm season: all-nighters, coffee, 8 hour long study sessions the day before an exam. I have attempted all of these at some point over the past few years. However, personally, my body absolutely…
A Little Help Goes A Long Way
Confession time – I'm a third year student at UofT, and up until now, I haven't really used any of the university services that were specifically designed to guide students towards academic success. It’s time to change that.
Growing up, I have always had the “I can do it myself” mentality. This attitude held me back from reaching out to university services. But recently, I came to a realization that I should have taken advantage of these services.
Random study/worky tips (or, $%@#%#$@ — OMG!)
It's the most wonderful time of the year... MULTI-ESSAY WEEK For other students, this may be Super-Multi-Exam Week, Superior-Memorization Week, Assignment-Death-Match Week, Read-All-Those-Chapters-You-Didn't-Read-for-the-Last-Three-Months Week, etc. In a desperate attempt to correct erroneous and dooming work habits of the past before…