Éy swayel! Indigenous Education Week 2021 is almost upon us. The events this year will take place primarily online from November 1st to 5th. Treaties are the area of focus for this year's Indigenous Education Week because it coincides with…
New First Nations House Blogger
Éy swayel. My name is Kieran Kalls Rice. I am a first-year student at the University of Toronto. I'm the new blogger for First Nations House, and I will be writing about my undergrad experience from the perspective of an…
Studying Abroad This Summer?
As the semester’s end is quickly approaching and the fresh breath of spring is in the air, this last week’s warm weather has me thinking about summer. A few months ago, I applied for the QES Scholarship which has placements…
Pow Wow Protocol
The Honouring Our Students’ Pow Wow 2018, hosted by the Indigenous Studies Student Union, is being held at the Goldring Centre on March 11th. As many people may have never had the opportunity to attend a pow wow, I thought…
Stepping Outside of My Academic Comfort Zone
I'm sure you've all seen the 'Math Lady' meme. You know, this one: Well, that's me. (Not actually, but how I feel when I hear things like "formulas" and "equations.") I've always done well in the arts, English, music…
Stories of Our History
There were a lot of events going on last week as part of Indigenous Education Week (IEW). While not officially a part of the Student Life/First Nations House week of co-sponsored events, the new Kent Monkman exhibit at the University of…
Indigenous Education Week Preview
If anyone were to look at my Google calendar for the upcoming months, they would probably assume that I'm a pretty busy person. While that's not entirely incorrect, the truth is I schedule in a lot of things in my…