Looking back at my time at Rotman Commerce, it’s wild how much has changed from first year to now. I came in as a fresh, wide-eyed student, not really knowing what I was doing, and now, in fourth year, things…
I Wanted to Graduate in Three Years and Now I’m Taking a Fifth Year: Why Time Matters Less Than You Think
I knew this girl who finished her degree in three years and attended her dream grad school two months after her early graduation. All my life I dreamed of getting ahead. Now, I’m taking a fifth year, have a reduced…
My Decision to Apply for Graduate School
When you’re in fourth year, everyone wants to know what your plans are, what’s the next step? Up until the end of third year -- I had no idea what my next step was going to be. I always figured…
Signing Off
Two years of blogging for Life@UofT, and my time as a blogger is coming to an end. Welcome to my final post! I’m sad to be leaving but it’s time for me to graduate (fingers crossed I manage to hand…
Reflections On My First Half of Fourth Year
This week, I start my last term of undergrad! It’s so crazy to think about how far I’ve come and how fast the years have gone. This week, I wanted to reflect on how my first term of fourth year…
My Thoughts and Feelings Going Into My Final Year of University!
In a couple of days I’ll be starting my fourth and final year of university—there are a lot of things to process and think about! In this blog article, I thought I’d share some of my worries and hopes for…
3 Lessons I’ve Learned from 3 Years of University
I can’t believe that in less than a month, I’ll be starting my fourth and final year of my undergraduate degree! Looking back on my degree, it’s been quite a wild ride to get here. I thought it would be…
Fourth Year Restlessness
My first year at U of T has started to feel like it happened a long time ago, even though it hasn't been that long at all. Between then and now, there have been many syllabi, essay drafts, and lectures.…
The Myth of the Four Year Degree
While it's true that many students graduate in four years, this isn't always the case. As someone who's anticipating a fifth year at UofT, I wanted to bust the "Myth of the Four Year Degree," a myth that seems to…
At the risk of sounding too “Eat, Pray, Love”…
Long time, no see, U of T! I've been caught up in exams and the culmination of my undergraduate career, and as life goes, the time has just flown by way too quickly. (Exams went well overall, so I am quite pleased).

And somehow I landed here at this moment, writing my last post for Life @ UofT and bidding you all a warm farewell. I’m hoping it won’t be too lame or cliché or sentimental, but since I am all of those things it probably will be.