Welcome to the first midterm season of 2017. Chances are, within the next few weeks, you will write at least 1 midterm. If your schedule is anything like mine, you might even be writing 4 midterms... within the…
My Experience With The Academic Success Center Drop-Ins!
Hey guys! In last week's post, I had vowed that I would go to the Academic Success Centre (ASC) during the drop-in hours to meet with a learning strategist to help me prepare for my upcoming midterms. A learning strategist is a trained professional who provides individualized academic support; they help you understand your learning style and guide you towards the appropriate strategies to maximize your learning efficiency. During the ASC drop-in hours, you can meet with a learning strategist for up to 30 minutes.
The ASC is located in the Koffler Student Services Centre building at 214 College St. Drop-in hours for this Fall semester are:
- Tuesdays: 10a.m. - 12p.m
- Fridays: 1:30p.m. - 3:30p.m.