I like to think I'm a creative person, but not in the traditional sense. I can't draw or sing (although, I wish I could), but I do enjoy photography and creative writing. In high school, I took a course called…
It’s essay season; do you know where your apostrophe should go?
You gotta write good like you know you should. Take them words and string 'em together all smart-like. Why? Because words make us wanna go:
That was painful, I know. I am deeply sorry for putting you through that. The point of it was to show how cringeworthy bad writing can be. [Life@UofT will not be held responsible for any damages resulting from rageful fits my above paragraph may have induced, including but not limited to thrown computers, torn pillows, and a decreased faith in humanity]
Good writing is so important in the academic environment. Professors believe that profoundly; a lot of what they do depends on the written word. It's no surprise, then, that professors are often experts at writing well. I have picked up so many great tricks from them throughout my time at university. In the spirit of solidarity during prime essay season, I would like to share my favourite tips with you lovely people.
The Anatomy of the Essay Process
After how many years of being here, if I don’t know at least something about writing an essay, then there must be something wrong. But luckily, I do, so listen up everyone, whether you are a non-humanities student who detests…
Assigned Readings at U of T: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Up to last week, I believed that the r'aison d'être behind studying English is good communication. Boy, was I proved wrong: for a fourth year seminar, I was assigned an article, Animal Nomenclature: Facing Other Animals, by Richard Nash, English academic extraordinaire. First…