Every August, students come back to school with renewed energy, a positive mentality, and a promise that “this year is going to be different”. We swear to ourselves that we’ll keep up with all our readings, devote hours to disciplined…
My U of T Library Saga – Part I
People say that honesty is one of the best ways to help the writer connect to his or her audience. So, to briefly introduce myself to you, my dear readers, here's something about me: I am a conceited UofT snob…
“So…what’s your availability like…?”
* ...I really wanted to do a post about food, but my grandfather is downstairs doing something to a fish....and I don't know what exactly it involves....but it smells strong and horrible and it makes me never eat again/die. So there will be no…
As with most good things at U of T, Bikechain is initially a bit hard to find, hidden in the basement of the International Student Centre (33 St. George, just north of College). It has several entrances; one through the…
The Cynics’ Vote
Everyone everywhere is using all kinds of superlatives to describe the upcoming U.S. election; ‘groundbreaking’, ‘exciting’, ‘historic’… The only word that sums it up for me is ‘nail-biting’, maybe even ‘terrifying’. At time passes, the issues facing the planet are…