This week is 'Sexual Awareness Week' at U of T. We have a Sexual Awareness Week! :O Well, see... I went to a Catholic High School, despite not being Catholic, so I never had condoms handed to me upon entering…
A picture (or two), a flighty student, and a thousand words
It's easy for me to think of myself as being a little flighty. You could shack me up alone on an wooded island for a week, plunk me down in the middle of Calcutta, or place me in the dusty…
Summer Job Search
When I went home for the break in February, my father and I had a discussion about summer jobs. As someone who is looking for both skill development and money, he pointed out that this is the time to be…
Post-Modern Procrastination 1: Thgin Eht Evivrus I Lliw
(It looks funnier without the question mark.) It's 7:48pm, my bowels are acting up, I have not had the urge to crochet since finishing my very bright hat, annnndddd... ... It's 7:55pm. My bowels have been dealt with, my throat…
PoSt Selection: How to get through it without dying [Part II]
UPDATE!! "Life Sciences POSt Seminar" on Wednesday, March 11 at 5:00pm. Event: Life Sciences POSt Seminar What: Workshop Host: Medical Sciences Student Union (MSSU) Start Time: Wednesday, March 11 at 5:00pm End Time: Wednesday, March 11 at 8:00pm Where: PB…
Lost: A Small Notebook that is Green and Wonderful
I had a little green notebook once and I loved it. It was for my history class. It had everything in it that I needed. Every class. All the points the professor made. Everything. Over reading week I’d begun to…
The Louis B. Stewart Observatory: where to bring your dental claims.
As an amateur aesthete and a history specialist, I tend to take note of the older buildings on campus. I've found myself on a number of occasions walking past the Louis B. Stewart Observatory. In some of my less stressed-out…
On the Chopping Block
When I heard about the upcoming Reading Week, you could imagine my relief. Somehow, February seems so busy, that Reading Week was the oasis in the desert – the opportunity to go home, hang out with my brothers, watch a…
PoSt Selection: how to get through it without dying [Part I]
(Note: this is by far the longest entry I have written for UpbeaT, but I strongly feel that all information here is pertinent to your future health, happiness and sanity, so please bear with me--you won't regret it) (Note Note:…
Higher Learning and Low Rent
My mini fridge is an overachiever. Its ambition has rendered my grapefruit juice to slush, my milk to an ice block, my apples to icicles and my baba ganoush to a solid mass. I think it had dreams of being…